standards terms
✔ OC's
✔ DnD characters
✔ Soft gore
✔ Furries / Fursonas / Ferals / Animal / Pets
✔ Armors / Weapons
✔? Ask for fanarts
✖ Very detailed mechas
✖ Real people (unless you want them in my style)
✖ Any religious / political figures and symbols
> Delivery time may vary between 2 weeks to more than a month.
Depends on the commission type you asked but also of my schedules.
> Refunds are not possible after your commission is done.
But they can be if:
> 60% I started sketching
> 30% I started lining
> 10% I started colouring
> Extra character will cost a little less than the initial character.
> Price may vary according to the character's complexity and/or if you ask for a simple background/details around character.
> Payments over 100 EURO can be split through the process
if needed.
> Headshot - 15 EURO
> Halfbody - 20 EURO
> Fullbody - 30 EURO
Grey scales +2 EURO
colored sketch*
> Headshot - 20 EURO
> Halfbody - 45 EURO
> Fullbody - 60~70 EURO
* Style 1: Flat
Style 2: Watercolor
> Headshot - 30~45 EURO
> Halfbody - 70~85 EURO
> Fullbody - 90~120 EURO
Extra simple background - ~10 EURO
Extra patterns - Free
> Fullbody ~50 EURO
> Extra character +35 EURO
> Fullbody ~12 - 15 EURO
Additional characters do not
have discounts
> If you have any request that doesn't shows in the categories above, send me a message where we can discuss about it (beat board, full scene, character design...)
> Take note that they usualy are over 100 EURO
Code is given only to +18yo with proof
You must be 18+
> ( 1 to 4 characters )
> Couple ~130 EURO sketch
1 flat color per charater
> Couple ~200 EURO
Grey scales and 1 color (optional)